Gut Health Issues and Their Homeopathic Remedies

A brief reminder from of how to best use homeopathic remedies::

1. Don’t use mint (toothpaste, tea, candy, etc) within at least 15 minutes of dosing - the longer the better. I switched my toothpaste to Dr. Bronners Cinnamon toothpaste so that I wouldn’t have mint on a daily basis or have to work around it. In fact, mint and other strong aromatic oils such as eucalyptus can antidote the remedy you’ve taken. So if for some reason you believe you’ve taken the wrong remedy, just a good long sniff of these can cancel out or antidote it.

2. Put the number of pellets you want to take in the cap, and drop from the cap in between lip and gums. Don’t touch the pellets if possible.

3. For infants, you can make a liquid solution of the remedy. Dissolve the dose of pellets in 1 oz. of pure water and give 1 teaspoon or a sip to the infant. This will keep on your counter for a couple of days, then you’ll need to make a new solution.

4. Make careful notes of severity and velocity of symptoms and when you see improvement, lower the frequency. For instance, if the cough is an 8

because it’s non stop when you begin the dosing and you are giving the remedy every 3 hours, lower to twice a day when there is a few minutes between coughs and it’s not as intense. Keep going with this philosophy until you can stop giving the remedy because the symptom has resolved. Meet the intensity of the symptoms with the frequency of treatment.

Let’s talk about some common acute digestive issues:

For chronic reflux in babies under 1 year old:

Start with Aconitum 200, one dose on the first day by itself. The next day, Give Iris ver 200 mixed with Lycopodium 200, twice a day. Remember to adjust the dose as you see improvement. For instance, going down to 1 dose per day, then one dose every other day and so on.

For chronic reflux for everyone else:

Same as for under 1, but start with Camphora 200, one dose on the first day by itself

For acute nausea and vomiting:

Arsenicum Album 3c in liquid, 15 - 20 minutes before food, 3 doses daily until complete cure
Lycopodium Clavatum 200C, one dose every other night

For just nausea:

Chelidonium 6x every 3 hours for acute cases and twice a day for chronic

For Diarrhea:

If it occurs after eating very rich food. Pulsatilla 30c, two doses, two hours apart
If it’s persistent diarrhea,
Arsenicum Album 200c, one dose at the beginning, then

Veratrum Album 200 mixed with Cuprum Metallicum 6c, one dose every 2 hours to be repeated after every passing of stool
Natrum Muriaticum 6x and Kali Phosphoricum 6x, (2 tablets of each together = 1 dose) 1 dose should be given every 3 hours to combat dehydration.


Lycopodium Clavatum 200 + Plumbum Metallicum 200, two doses daily

For abdominal pain in children when you don’t know the cause:

Nux Vomica 200, twice a day

For bloating and gas:

Lycopodium 200 mixed with Arsenicum 3x, two times a day

For food intolerances that show up in gut problems:

Ipecac 30 mixed with Merc Sulph 6, every 3 hours or as needed

For food intolerances:

Gluten and general food intolerances:

Under 1 of age, start with Aconitum 200 one dose, first day
Over 1 year of age, start with Camphora 200 one dose, first day
Bovista 200, twice a day for 8 - 10 weeks, then SLOWLY reintroduce gluten

For dairy intolerance:

Start the first day the same as for gluten protocol
Aethusa 200, twice a day for 8 - 10 weeks then SLOWLY reintroduce dairy

The best way to build your homeopathic dispensary:

Buy a kit! I got mine from Hahnemann Labs Home Remedy Kit. This one has 35 commonly used remedies. You can smaller or larger kits but this is by far the most economical way to buy remedies. A vial alone is usually $10 - $22 but these work out to about $4.50 each.

Cassidy Wendell

Giving the rookie advice you need from the wellness expert you can relate to.

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