How to Increase Your Resilience and Fall In Love With Your Life Again
What do I mean by resilience?
To me, this is one of the greatest benefits of real health. It means we can “weather the storm” of what life or our own choices may throw at us.
To have a piece of wedding cake without feeling miserable for days.
To be around someone who has a cold and not catch it.
To experience a period of stress without crashing.
To travel without fear that we will pay for it later.
For those of us who need to pay close attention to what we are eating, how much stress we’re experiencing and how we are taking care of ourselves in order to not have a crash or a flare, this is the Holy Grail of health.
So, the big question is, how do we get there from here? And the big answer is, by paying attention and doing the work.
Which is a quick way of saying, no real shortcuts here. But the payoff is worth it.
Once we get past the why me? period, and we realize the ONLY way this is going to get better is to address our underlying issues, we can start down the path of making resilience a reality.
So, the paying attention part:
What are our triggers? The things that result in feeling bad, emotionally or physically - foods, stress, people in our lives, our inability (so far) to say no and set boundaries, alcohol, coffee, being sedentary, etc.
What events of the past are we holding onto that still affects how we handle today?
What are our nutritional deficiencies?
What health issues need to be identified? Gut, blood, neurological, autoimmune, hormonal, circulatory, etc.
What toxins are we being exposed to? Through our water, air, food, personal products, cleaning products, etc.
Yes, this is a long list but if you remember that EVERYTHING you are exposed to has either a positive or negative impact on your health, it begins to make sense that any of these can be a factor.
The next part? Doing the work.
So, you’ve identified the barriers to better health and resilience. Time to implement strategies to find the balance your body needs.
This can include:
Adopting an anti-inflammatory diet to remove all foods that may be causing inflammation
Doing an overhaul of products used in the home to replace with non-toxic products
Explore ways to heal the gut or other health issues blocking true health such as blood work, uncovering nutritional deficiencies, improving gut health, sleep strategies, etc.
Finding targeted supplementation to support healing
We all want to participate in the joy of living, and if we want to have that piece of wedding cake or visit a sick friend or travel to Mexico, we want to do those things without fear that we will be right back where we started, feeling miserable and sick. We can become victim to the WHY ME mentality or we can do the the work. It’s worth the effort and there is no time better than RIGHT NOW to get started.